Synopsis: Sara and Brian Fitzgerald's life with their young son and their two-year-old daughter, Kate, is forever altered when they learn that Kate has leukemia. The parents' only hope is to conceive another child, specifically intended to save Kate's life. For some, such genetic engineering would raise both moral and ethical questions; for the Fitzgeralds, Sara in particular, there is no choice but to do whatever it takes to keep Kate alive. And what it takes is Anna. Kate and Anna share a bond closer than most sisters: though Kate is older, she relies on her little sister--in fact, her life depends on Anna. Throughout their young lives, the sisters endure various medical procedures and hospital stays--just another part of their close-knit family's otherwise normal life. Sara, a loving wife and mother who left her career as an attorney to care for her daughter, is sometimes lost inside the single-minded caregiver she has become in her efforts to save Kate. Her strong, supportive husband, Brian, is often rendered powerless and passive by his wife's strength and determination. And their only son, Jesse, drifts, at times all but forgotten as Kate and Anna take center stage. Until Anna, now 11, says "no." Seeking medical emancipation, she hires her own lawyer initiating a court case that divides the family and that could leave Kate's rapidly failing body in the hands of fate.
Starring: Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Alec Baldwin, Jason Patric, Joan Cusack
Directed by: Nick Cassavetes
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I had no idea what this movie was about. I knew it was a book and I knew there was a girl with cancer in it but that is all I knew. I was NOT prepared for what I would see and feel. It was brilliant. I cried so much. My eyes and mind were completely fixated on this story. It is so sad. Know that. It is sad. You get your heart ripped out a few times in this movie. It really affected me. Great acting all around. Perfect really! They cast this really really well. I can't imagine ANYONE else playing these parts. I truly believed they were all a family and I REALLY felt like Kate had cancer. What a transformation. In the ending you finally understand what is going on and your heart just breaks. Really well done. Everyone should see this with a box of tissues. Don't say I didn't warn you.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The casting. Really great cast and everyone did a great job
2. The makeup artist that made Kate a cancer patient. Wow. I'm still in shock at how real she looked
3. It was an emotional roller coaster the whole movie. I love those tearjerkers. It makes me feel alive that I can feel something so deeply in a movie
4. Beautiful storyline. Only something a novelist could write. Not a screen play writer. I love book adaptations
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That I had no idea what this movie was about and I cried like a baby because I wasn't prepared
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
Directed by: Nick Cassavetes
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I had no idea what this movie was about. I knew it was a book and I knew there was a girl with cancer in it but that is all I knew. I was NOT prepared for what I would see and feel. It was brilliant. I cried so much. My eyes and mind were completely fixated on this story. It is so sad. Know that. It is sad. You get your heart ripped out a few times in this movie. It really affected me. Great acting all around. Perfect really! They cast this really really well. I can't imagine ANYONE else playing these parts. I truly believed they were all a family and I REALLY felt like Kate had cancer. What a transformation. In the ending you finally understand what is going on and your heart just breaks. Really well done. Everyone should see this with a box of tissues. Don't say I didn't warn you.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The casting. Really great cast and everyone did a great job
2. The makeup artist that made Kate a cancer patient. Wow. I'm still in shock at how real she looked
3. It was an emotional roller coaster the whole movie. I love those tearjerkers. It makes me feel alive that I can feel something so deeply in a movie
4. Beautiful storyline. Only something a novelist could write. Not a screen play writer. I love book adaptations
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That I had no idea what this movie was about and I cried like a baby because I wasn't prepared
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?