Synopsis: Jimmy Dove works for the bomb squad in Boston and he is always the one who is on the tough jobs. One day he decides to quit the force and to become a teacher for the rookies of the squad. A few days later his former partner is killed by a bomb and Jimmy becomes suspicious that maybe this bomb could have been built by a former friend of himself. He begins to investigate and finds out that his worst nightmare has returned from his past.
Starring: Jeff Bridges, Tommy Lee Jones, Suzy Amis, Lloyd Bridges, Forest Whitaker
Directed by: Stephen Hopkins
U.S. Rating: R
One of the great summer action movies from the 90's. Some people consider it a great action movie, other people consider the plot a little bit slow, lack of action and released in a time when similar plots were released just weeks before. No matter the critics, I personlly believe that Blown Away is a great thriller with some action/suspense material, supported by such a great cast. Tommy Lee Jones, one of my top Hollywood actors of all times plays as the villain in this plot, the bomber who escaped from prison in Ireland and came to America to cause chaos among the city of Boston and keep in suspense the bomb squad led by Jeff Bridges. A great action/suspense film to watch any good evening at home.
What did I like from this movie?
1. No matter the level of action scenes people expect from this movie, I personally believe that one of the great things about this film is the suspense and action scenes offered throughout the whole plot
2. Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones roles were amazingly played in this movie
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Maybe a little bit more action, as everyone else were expecting
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Stephen Hopkins
U.S. Rating: R
One of the great summer action movies from the 90's. Some people consider it a great action movie, other people consider the plot a little bit slow, lack of action and released in a time when similar plots were released just weeks before. No matter the critics, I personlly believe that Blown Away is a great thriller with some action/suspense material, supported by such a great cast. Tommy Lee Jones, one of my top Hollywood actors of all times plays as the villain in this plot, the bomber who escaped from prison in Ireland and came to America to cause chaos among the city of Boston and keep in suspense the bomb squad led by Jeff Bridges. A great action/suspense film to watch any good evening at home.
What did I like from this movie?
1. No matter the level of action scenes people expect from this movie, I personally believe that one of the great things about this film is the suspense and action scenes offered throughout the whole plot
2. Jeff Bridges and Tommy Lee Jones roles were amazingly played in this movie
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Maybe a little bit more action, as everyone else were expecting
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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