Synopsis: It is the year 1985. Marty McFly, a mild-mannered high school student, stopped by Dr. Emmett L. Brown's laboratory to play around with an amplifier. Then he receives a message from Doc that he needs help from him for Doc's latest invention, a time machine made out of a DeLorean sports car that can travel through time instantaneously when it reaches a speed velocity of 88 MPH. Then, Doc was gunned down by Libyan Nationalists, Marty makes an effort to escape from the Lybians by using the time machine. Then Marty accidentally warps himself into 1955. Where he meets both of his parents when they were teenagers, then Marty unintentionally interrupts his parent's first meeting together, he then finds a younger version of Doc and together they try to find a way to get Marty's parents-to-be back together, and to get Marty back to 1985.
Starring: Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Crispin Glover, Lea Thompson, Claudia Wells
Directed by: Robert Zemeckis, Frank Marshall
U.S. Rating: PG
If you know someone out there that doesn't like Back to the Future, that someone won't like any movie at all! Back to the Future is one of the most likable and enjoyable movies of all time. A classic movie that offers you a romantic comedy with such an amazing cast and a very entertaining plot. Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd were the perfect match for this successful franchise that 20 years later is still being remembered as one of the best movies ever. Back to the Future offers an unusual time travel adventure with action, comedy, romance... all inclusive to help you enjoy every single minute of it. This movie launched to the stars Michael J Fox's career, and always will be remembered as the really cool and friendly guy that traveled to the past and future to help his parents, himself and his family and friends to keep the course of their lives, offering hilarious and entertaining situations. Christopher Lloyd plays the role of "Doc" (Dr. Emmett L. Brown), the psychotic scientist that builds a time machine capable to transport people from present to past or future and come back to present time.
A classic that no matter how old it gets and how many times I've watched it. I always enjoy it like it was the first time. 100% recommended.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I personally enjoyed the scenes when he's trying to escape from Biff and his friends with the skate
2. The scene at the party, especially when Marty takes the guitar and starts playing with the band. Really funny when he finishes playing solo, everyone is staring at him and he says I guess you're not ready for this, but your children are gonna love it
3. definitely, Doc is the weirdest and funniest character in this plot
4. For 1985, the effects were pretty good!
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I have no objections or dislikes from this movie! :)
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
Directed by: Robert Zemeckis, Frank Marshall
U.S. Rating: PG
If you know someone out there that doesn't like Back to the Future, that someone won't like any movie at all! Back to the Future is one of the most likable and enjoyable movies of all time. A classic movie that offers you a romantic comedy with such an amazing cast and a very entertaining plot. Michael J. Fox and Christopher Lloyd were the perfect match for this successful franchise that 20 years later is still being remembered as one of the best movies ever. Back to the Future offers an unusual time travel adventure with action, comedy, romance... all inclusive to help you enjoy every single minute of it. This movie launched to the stars Michael J Fox's career, and always will be remembered as the really cool and friendly guy that traveled to the past and future to help his parents, himself and his family and friends to keep the course of their lives, offering hilarious and entertaining situations. Christopher Lloyd plays the role of "Doc" (Dr. Emmett L. Brown), the psychotic scientist that builds a time machine capable to transport people from present to past or future and come back to present time.
A classic that no matter how old it gets and how many times I've watched it. I always enjoy it like it was the first time. 100% recommended.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I personally enjoyed the scenes when he's trying to escape from Biff and his friends with the skate
2. The scene at the party, especially when Marty takes the guitar and starts playing with the band. Really funny when he finishes playing solo, everyone is staring at him and he says I guess you're not ready for this, but your children are gonna love it
3. definitely, Doc is the weirdest and funniest character in this plot
4. For 1985, the effects were pretty good!
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I have no objections or dislikes from this movie! :)
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
EVERYBODY loves Back to the Future!!!
~Your #1 Fan