Synopsis: The story of IB Fahdlan, an important emissary who is banished from his homeland. The nomadic outcast comes across a band of Norse warriors who coerce him into joining them when they are summoned to fight mysterious creatures legendary for consuming every living thing in their path. Eventually surrounded by the frightening and ferocious foe, Ibn must conquer his personal fears and help battle the illusive invaders--who emerge out of the shroud of fog in the black of the night.
Starring: Antonio Banderas, Vladimir Kulich, Dennis Storhoi, Daniel Southern, Neil Maffin
Directed by: John McTiernan, John Sullivan
U.S. Rating: R
A fascinating horror movie with a very unexpected final. Antonio Banderas plays the role of IB Fahdlan, an important emissary who is banished from his homeland and is forced to join a band of Norse warriors, learning their language and being able to be part of their culture and people. When he gets to their village, he finds out that every time the foe covers the surface of the land, they get extremely scared and cautious. When the foe surrounds them, they're being threatened and attacked by mysterious creatures that kills every living thing on their way. A very frightening thriller that offers an unexpected final, when Antonio Banderas needs to take part of their fights, to the end when he leads them to the destruction of these mysterious creatures.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I enjoyed that even though I was able to partially guess the situation and things that were about to happen, I never expected the final of the movie
2. I haven't watched a movie about Vikings in a while, so it was kind of interesting to watch
3. I think that Antonio Banderas played a good and enjoyable role, supported by a good cast
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Not very pleasant in some scenes, especially some of the scenes with the mysterious creatures
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: John McTiernan, John Sullivan
U.S. Rating: R
A fascinating horror movie with a very unexpected final. Antonio Banderas plays the role of IB Fahdlan, an important emissary who is banished from his homeland and is forced to join a band of Norse warriors, learning their language and being able to be part of their culture and people. When he gets to their village, he finds out that every time the foe covers the surface of the land, they get extremely scared and cautious. When the foe surrounds them, they're being threatened and attacked by mysterious creatures that kills every living thing on their way. A very frightening thriller that offers an unexpected final, when Antonio Banderas needs to take part of their fights, to the end when he leads them to the destruction of these mysterious creatures.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I enjoyed that even though I was able to partially guess the situation and things that were about to happen, I never expected the final of the movie
2. I haven't watched a movie about Vikings in a while, so it was kind of interesting to watch
3. I think that Antonio Banderas played a good and enjoyable role, supported by a good cast
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Not very pleasant in some scenes, especially some of the scenes with the mysterious creatures
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!