Synopsis: American pilot Leo Davidson finds himself stranded in an upside-down world--a brutal, primal place where intelligent apes are in charge and humans scavenge for subsistence, hunted and enslaved by the tyrannical primates. When he attracts the attention of the politically well-connected ape Ari, a human rights activist, he begins to challenge the status quo, becoming a catalyst for revolutionary social change.
Starring: Mark Wahlberg, Tim Roth, Helena Bonham Carter, Michael Clarke Duncan, Paul Giamatti
Directed by: Tim Burton, Andy Armstrong
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I still remember many, many years ago when I was a kid and followed Planets of the Apes on TV. It was one of those great TV series, even though I was just a kid. On this new remake with Mark Wahlberg of the original movie from 1968, we can enjoy of an entertaining plot, a professional cast and amazing make-up. This movie face critics from all aspects, the lack of professionalism from the cast, some of the roles in this movie received awards as the worst act supporting roles. Even though, it's a movie that I personally enjoyed and never get tired of watch it when it's on TV.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The make-up is amazing. I was worth of a Saturn Award, but it seems that wasn't good enough to get on the precious list of the Oscar Awards.
2. The plot was a entertaining. I never watched the original movie from 1968, but it is definitely on on my list. Personally, never expected the end, when Mark returns to our planet and finds that it has turned in something else than what we could expect.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I personally agree with most of the critics. The support roles (supporting actor and actress) were really boring, with nothing to offer.
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Tim Burton, Andy Armstrong
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I still remember many, many years ago when I was a kid and followed Planets of the Apes on TV. It was one of those great TV series, even though I was just a kid. On this new remake with Mark Wahlberg of the original movie from 1968, we can enjoy of an entertaining plot, a professional cast and amazing make-up. This movie face critics from all aspects, the lack of professionalism from the cast, some of the roles in this movie received awards as the worst act supporting roles. Even though, it's a movie that I personally enjoyed and never get tired of watch it when it's on TV.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The make-up is amazing. I was worth of a Saturn Award, but it seems that wasn't good enough to get on the precious list of the Oscar Awards.
2. The plot was a entertaining. I never watched the original movie from 1968, but it is definitely on on my list. Personally, never expected the end, when Mark returns to our planet and finds that it has turned in something else than what we could expect.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I personally agree with most of the critics. The support roles (supporting actor and actress) were really boring, with nothing to offer.
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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