Synopsis: This animated adventure follows Tinker Bell--the tiny pixie from PETER PAN--as she bands together with her fairy friends to create the famous "Fall Scepter," a magical and important task that will restore the world's supply of fairy dust and set things right in Pixie Hollow for another year.

Starring: Mae Whitman, Jesse McCartney
Directed by: Klay Hall
U.S. Rating: G

I couldn't wait for this next installment into Tinkerbell's world of Pixie Hollow. I was not disappointed! More cute music, a new outfit for Tinkerbell after 60 years, and a new fairy boy to love! New music to enjoy, and a new adventure to be swept away with. Loved it!

I would rate this movie with a 4/5

What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?


  1. I can't wait to see this with Lizzy!

  2. AED Says:
  3. Can't wait for it to come from Netflix!


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