Synopsis: Tom is a sports announcer who comes from blue collar roots. Sarah is a writer whose family is as wealthy as it is snobbish. Much to her family's--and ex-boyfriend's--horror, Sarah and Tom fall in love and get married. Following their wedding, Tom and Sarah set off for what they expect to be the perfect honeymoon; however, thanks to her conspiring family and vindictive ex, the happy couple experiences the honeymoon from hell.
Starring: Ashton Kutcher, Brittany Murphy, Christian M. Kane, Monet Mazur, David Moscow
Directed by: Shawn Levy
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Ashton Kutcher is a favorite of mine, and I enjoy his humor very much. This movie kept me laughing all the way through. I can see it a million times and still not get tired of it. It's just that cute! Perfect for couples, its not just a girlie movie, guys will like it too!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Shawn Levy
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Ashton Kutcher is a favorite of mine, and I enjoy his humor very much. This movie kept me laughing all the way through. I can see it a million times and still not get tired of it. It's just that cute! Perfect for couples, its not just a girlie movie, guys will like it too!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
I LOOOOOOOOOVE this movie!!!!!! One of my all time favorites!