Synopsis: Kham's life is turned upside down when an international mafia syndicate, based in Australia, captures his two beloved elephants and smuggles them thousands of kilometers away to Sydney. The two elephants are far more than mere animals to Kham and his father; they are part of his family and were being prepared to be presented as a token of devotion to his Majesty the King of Thailand. The only way Kham can possibly save the animals is by venturing into a foreign land for the first time. Taking on a mafia group to rescue two elephants from a foreign country presents a huge challenge, even for a martial arts master like Kham. Despite the help of Sergeant Mark, a Thai police Sergeant based in Australia, and Pla, a Thai girl forced into modern day slavery, the going gets tough. They must take on the ruthless gang of Madame Rose, whose henchmen include Johnny, a Vietnamese thief and martial arts expert, and the hulking TK. Kham has no choice but to risk his own life for the animals he loves.
Starring: Tony Jaa, Petchtai Wongkamlao, Bongkot Kongmalai, Jin Xing, Johnny Nguyen
Directed by: Prachya Pinkaew
U.S. Rating: R
Honestly, I believe it's been over 10 years since I watched an amazing and unforgettable martial arts movie like this one. Forget about Jet Li, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Jackie Chan and any other famous actor related with martial arts movies. Tony Jaa is simply amazing! Such an amazing thai fighter. The Protector offers not just an interesting plot, but really amazing fight scenes! If you're looking for a relevant and entertaining movie loaded with amazing fighting scenes, then you definitely should consider The Protector.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I should say that ALL the fight scenes in this movie are simply amazing, but especially, the fight scene with the Capoeira fighter, the guy with the sword and the giant, as well as the fight scene at the end, when he's hurt with the knife while he's crying for the elephant and then fights like 50 guys. The whole scene is simple amazing! Another great fighting scene is the one at the restaurant, when he's going to the top, fighting everyone floor by floor
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The police detective, such a horrible actor!
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Prachya Pinkaew
U.S. Rating: R
Honestly, I believe it's been over 10 years since I watched an amazing and unforgettable martial arts movie like this one. Forget about Jet Li, Jean Claude Van Damme, Steven Seagal, Jackie Chan and any other famous actor related with martial arts movies. Tony Jaa is simply amazing! Such an amazing thai fighter. The Protector offers not just an interesting plot, but really amazing fight scenes! If you're looking for a relevant and entertaining movie loaded with amazing fighting scenes, then you definitely should consider The Protector.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I should say that ALL the fight scenes in this movie are simply amazing, but especially, the fight scene with the Capoeira fighter, the guy with the sword and the giant, as well as the fight scene at the end, when he's hurt with the knife while he's crying for the elephant and then fights like 50 guys. The whole scene is simple amazing! Another great fighting scene is the one at the restaurant, when he's going to the top, fighting everyone floor by floor
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The police detective, such a horrible actor!
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!