Synopsis: Inspired by a true story, "The Great Debaters" chronicles the journey of Professor Melvin Tolson, a brilliant but volatile debate team coach who uses the power of words to shape a group of underdog students from a small African American college in the deep south into a historically elite debate team. A controversial figure, Professor Tolson challenged the social mores of the time and was under constant fire for his unconventional and ferocious teaching methods as well as his radical political views.
Starring: Denzel Washington, Forest Whitaker, Jermaine Williams, J. D. Evermore, John Heard
Directed by: Denzel Washington
U.S. Rating: PG-13
If there's someone perfect for key roles with long speeches, that person is Denzel Washington. Once again, like in Malcom X, Remember The Titans and other great movies, Denzel Washington brings such an amazing movie with a great played role. This time, as Melvin Tolson, a debate team coach with a dream, prepare the minds of his students to reach their potential and debate their ideas with the power of their words and reason. I'm as huge fan of Denzel Washington, but what I really like about this movie, besides its amazing plot and story (based on a true story) is that no matter how great were Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker in this movie, all the students were amazing, and none of them are famous or well known.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The way it expresses the cruel truth about the racism during those years and how they could overcome the situation and be the best debate team in the U.S., being undefeated for over 10 years
2. I really laughed when the little boy, Forrest's son gets all dressed up to impress the new girl as well as the moment when they're at the party and he's dreaming that he's dancing with her
3. All the debate scenes were really good and enjoyable
4. The final scene, when they're debating in Harvard and Denzel Washington, who didn't have permission to leave the state, went there to see them achieving their goal
5. When they're starting their debate classes and one of them asked Denzel a little bit about him and he gave him such an amazing speech
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing, a really great, complete and entertaining plot. It was well played and directed
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Denzel Washington
U.S. Rating: PG-13
If there's someone perfect for key roles with long speeches, that person is Denzel Washington. Once again, like in Malcom X, Remember The Titans and other great movies, Denzel Washington brings such an amazing movie with a great played role. This time, as Melvin Tolson, a debate team coach with a dream, prepare the minds of his students to reach their potential and debate their ideas with the power of their words and reason. I'm as huge fan of Denzel Washington, but what I really like about this movie, besides its amazing plot and story (based on a true story) is that no matter how great were Denzel Washington and Forest Whitaker in this movie, all the students were amazing, and none of them are famous or well known.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The way it expresses the cruel truth about the racism during those years and how they could overcome the situation and be the best debate team in the U.S., being undefeated for over 10 years
2. I really laughed when the little boy, Forrest's son gets all dressed up to impress the new girl as well as the moment when they're at the party and he's dreaming that he's dancing with her
3. All the debate scenes were really good and enjoyable
4. The final scene, when they're debating in Harvard and Denzel Washington, who didn't have permission to leave the state, went there to see them achieving their goal
5. When they're starting their debate classes and one of them asked Denzel a little bit about him and he gave him such an amazing speech
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing, a really great, complete and entertaining plot. It was well played and directed
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
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LOVED this movie. Becca, Katie and I were all on the speak and debate team in high school. Good times. This movie shows how far we've come I think.