Synopsis: John and Jane Smith are an ordinary suburban couple with an ordinary, lifeless suburban marriage. But each is hiding something the other would kill to know: Mr. and Mrs. Smith are actually highly paid, incredibly efficient assassins--and they work for competing organizations. Mr. and Mrs. Smith both discover a new source of excitement in their marriage, when they're hired to assassinate each other--and that's when the real fun starts. The result is a total action spectacle, as Mr. and Mrs. Smith put their formidable skills to work and their marriage to the ultimate test.
Starring: Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Vince Vaughn, Adam Brody, Kerry Washington
Directed by: Doug Liman
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Ok, let's be honest. I'm a loyal fan of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I've watched most of their movies and I must say that this one was one of the crappiest plots they have been involved with. A plot with not substance. I remember the time when I went to the cinema, and after watching the first half of this movie, I wanted to leave the room, feeling bored. I'm glad that Brad Pitt denied that they (Brad and Angelina) could film a sequel of this film, or work any other possible movie together, since it brings to much crap to the media. Maybe is not the media, but a plot and movie like this one, no matter the good match and chemistry you feel between the stars. Anyway, in this plot, Brad and Angelina play a married couple, both of them work for secret organizations as a hitman/hit woman. None of them know their own secret lives and jobs, but when they've been assigned to kill the same objective (and fail), they become target of each others. At the end, they get together and fight back against the secret organizations they worked for.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The scenes when they're working their marriage, the marital therapy is kinda entertaining
2. The scene when Brad Pitt gets in the bar to kill his target, playing the drunk guy with money
3. Vince Vaughn is always a funny plus for any movie
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot didn't have substance, I personally got bored in the movie theater, even though, I can still watch it when I'm bored on a boring afternoon at home
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Doug Liman
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Ok, let's be honest. I'm a loyal fan of Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie. I've watched most of their movies and I must say that this one was one of the crappiest plots they have been involved with. A plot with not substance. I remember the time when I went to the cinema, and after watching the first half of this movie, I wanted to leave the room, feeling bored. I'm glad that Brad Pitt denied that they (Brad and Angelina) could film a sequel of this film, or work any other possible movie together, since it brings to much crap to the media. Maybe is not the media, but a plot and movie like this one, no matter the good match and chemistry you feel between the stars. Anyway, in this plot, Brad and Angelina play a married couple, both of them work for secret organizations as a hitman/hit woman. None of them know their own secret lives and jobs, but when they've been assigned to kill the same objective (and fail), they become target of each others. At the end, they get together and fight back against the secret organizations they worked for.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The scenes when they're working their marriage, the marital therapy is kinda entertaining
2. The scene when Brad Pitt gets in the bar to kill his target, playing the drunk guy with money
3. Vince Vaughn is always a funny plus for any movie
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot didn't have substance, I personally got bored in the movie theater, even though, I can still watch it when I'm bored on a boring afternoon at home
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
I LOVE this movie! It's too funny! The action is pretty cool too. I might watch it tonight! :)
It's ok though!... I watch it every time it comes to my hands, but honestly, there's something missing that makes it boring or without substance :)
Mark and I watched this one time. It was great for a "one-timer" but we have never felt the need to watch it again.