Synopsis: Cady Heron is a cultural blank slate when she first sets foot on the grounds of North Shore High School in a small town outside of Chicago, Illinois. After living in Africa, Cady, now a junior, has no idea how "wild" things can be in civilization until she crosses paths with one of the meanest species of all, the "Queen Bee," who at this particular high school is the cool and calculating Regina George. But Cady doesn't just cross paths with this Queen Bee--she really stings her when she falls for Regina's ex-boyfriend Aaron Samuels. Now Regina is set to sting back by pretending to still like Aaron so he won't go out with Cady, all the while pretending to be her friend. With no choice but to use the same M.O. to stay in the game, the "Girl World" one-upmanship escalates until the entire school gets dragged into a first-class mean-fest.
Starring: Lindsay Lohan, Rachel McAdams, Tina Fey, Tim Meadows, Amy Poehler
Directed by: Mark Waters
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I personally believe that the cast totally made the difference in this movie. The plot could be considered just another high school teen movie, offering nothing that we wouldn't have seen a million times before, but once again, the cast made the difference and brought to the big screen a really funny and entertaining movie. Even though, the main role was played by Lindsay Lohan, I personally believe that Rachel McAdams and Tina Fey brought the best moments, roles and entertainment to this movie.
What did I like from this movie?
Actually, there are two situations that I considered funny in this movie
1. This is Damian, he's "almost too gay to function..."
2. The moment when Linsay Lohan convinces Rachel to eat those granola bar saying that it will help her to drop some pounds but at the end, these were bars to gain muscle and fat
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Well, I couldn't say there was something I dislike about the movie, I could only say that I'm not a big fan of Lindsay Lohan
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Mark Waters
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I personally believe that the cast totally made the difference in this movie. The plot could be considered just another high school teen movie, offering nothing that we wouldn't have seen a million times before, but once again, the cast made the difference and brought to the big screen a really funny and entertaining movie. Even though, the main role was played by Lindsay Lohan, I personally believe that Rachel McAdams and Tina Fey brought the best moments, roles and entertainment to this movie.
What did I like from this movie?
Actually, there are two situations that I considered funny in this movie
1. This is Damian, he's "almost too gay to function..."
2. The moment when Linsay Lohan convinces Rachel to eat those granola bar saying that it will help her to drop some pounds but at the end, these were bars to gain muscle and fat
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Well, I couldn't say there was something I dislike about the movie, I could only say that I'm not a big fan of Lindsay Lohan
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
I hate Lindsey Lohan....but this was a fun movie. Rachel McAdam's is an awesome mean girl!
I hate LL too but this was before she went weird and quite a cute movie. I loved the animal analogies. I often imagine people like wild beasts too.
I watched this movie (although I try to stay away from the tween movies) and didn't find it unbearable. I remember thinking a few parts were pretty funny and semi-original.