Synopsis: Marcy is an assistant to Senator John McGlory, who is having problems with a re-election campaign. Desperate for votes, McGlory's chief of staff Nick sends Marcy to Ireland to trace McGlory's relatives or ancestors. Marcy arrives at the village of Ballinagra when it is preparing for an annual Matchmaking Festival. A well-dressed, handsome and single young lady, she becomes the center of attention for two professional matchmakers, Dermot and Millie, as well as for bartender Sean.
Starring: Janeane Garofalo, David O'Hara, Milo O'Shea, Jay O. Sanders, and Denis Leary
Directed by: Mark Joffe
U.S. Rating: R
If you like chick flicks then this is a great one! I am a big fan of Janeane Garofalo because of her "no frills" kind of style. I've watched this one several times, and I've always enjoyed it. Nice chemistry between the cast, beautiful scenery, good lines. An all around good romantic comedy
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked the sexy banter between Marcy and Sean!
2. I liked the part where they were in the pub and Marcy judges the singers
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nick (Denis Leary) plays a stereotypical jerk. He didn't seem to have a reason to be such a jerk
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Mark Joffe
U.S. Rating: R
If you like chick flicks then this is a great one! I am a big fan of Janeane Garofalo because of her "no frills" kind of style. I've watched this one several times, and I've always enjoyed it. Nice chemistry between the cast, beautiful scenery, good lines. An all around good romantic comedy
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked the sexy banter between Marcy and Sean!
2. I liked the part where they were in the pub and Marcy judges the singers
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nick (Denis Leary) plays a stereotypical jerk. He didn't seem to have a reason to be such a jerk
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
freakin' love this movie!!!!
we should watch it honey. It's cute and funny!!