Synopsis: Lee, a member of a Shaolin Temple, is a master of the physical and spiritual disciplines of the martial arts, and is being visited by Braithwaite, a British law officer. Lee has been invited to a tri-annual martial arts tournament held on an island owned by Han, a reclusive billionaire who was once a member of the Temple but has now become a renegade. Braithwaite believes Han uses his tournaments as cover for narcotic and prostitution activities. Lee reluctantly agrees to enter the tournament, but his reluctance to confront Han disappears when a Shaolin monk reveals that during the previous staging of this tournament, he and Lee's sister were accosted by several toughs led by Han's personal bodyguard, an American named O'Hara. In the ensuing confrontation the monk cut a deep scar on O'Hara's face but Lee's sister ultimately perished, and at her gravesite Lee vowes revenge for her death. Also attending the tournament are two American martial arts experts, John Roper and Kelly Williams, who served together in Vietnam and took differing paths toward martial arts upon their discharge - Roper is on the run from Mafia gambling debt collectors, while Williams was accosted by two racist cops whom he'd dispatched before stealing their car to escape. All three will soon find themselves at the mercy of Han and his army of martial arts fighters as he protects his underground factory of narcotics and prostitution.
Starring: Bruce Lee, John Saxon, Jim Kelly, Shih Kien, Bob Wall
Directed by: Robert Clouse
U.S. Rating: R
What a classic! I'm honest, I'm a huge Bruce Lee fan. Even though the movie was largely set in Hong Kong, Enter The Dragon was the first Kung-Fu movie ever made by a major Hollywood Studio company.
An interesting detail about this movie, according with Wikipedia:
It is the last completed film Bruce Lee appeared in before his death. He died six days before the movie was set to be released.
What did I like from this movie?
1. Bruce Lee fight scenes. He's the master, there's no other like him! In this movie, there are few great scenes where he shows some of his skills and amazing speed and gift with his hands and legs
2. It is so funny to watch these action movies from the 70's. The music involved in the suspense, action scenes is hilarious!
3. You can see the difference between the style of the american fighters and the asian fighters. Definitely they learned the art way too late! Even though, they were great!
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Bruce Lee couldn't be part of the great opening of this movie! It sucked, just like Heath Ledger and The Dark Knight
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Robert Clouse
U.S. Rating: R
What a classic! I'm honest, I'm a huge Bruce Lee fan. Even though the movie was largely set in Hong Kong, Enter The Dragon was the first Kung-Fu movie ever made by a major Hollywood Studio company.
An interesting detail about this movie, according with Wikipedia:
It is the last completed film Bruce Lee appeared in before his death. He died six days before the movie was set to be released.
In 2004, Enter the Dragon was deemed "culturally significant" and selected for preservation in the National Film Registry.
If you're into action movies from the 70's, this is one of the most important classics to watch. It's really entertaining. 100% recommended!What did I like from this movie?
1. Bruce Lee fight scenes. He's the master, there's no other like him! In this movie, there are few great scenes where he shows some of his skills and amazing speed and gift with his hands and legs
2. It is so funny to watch these action movies from the 70's. The music involved in the suspense, action scenes is hilarious!
3. You can see the difference between the style of the american fighters and the asian fighters. Definitely they learned the art way too late! Even though, they were great!
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Bruce Lee couldn't be part of the great opening of this movie! It sucked, just like Heath Ledger and The Dark Knight
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!