Synopsis: Paris, 2013. Damien is a member of an elite police squadron, a special unit highly trained in martial arts and the precise physical skills necessary to navigate the treacherous urban landscape of Paris' future. He is now tasked with the most vital and dangerous mission of his career: a weapon of mass destruction has been concealed by the most powerful gang of the suburbs of District B13, a walled off section of Paris in which the criminals rule themselves. Damien must infiltrate the gang in order to either defuse the bomb or recover it.
Starring: David Belle, Cyril Raffaelli, Tony D'Amario, Dany Verissimo, Francois Chattot
Directed by: Pierre Morel
U.S. Rating: R
District B13 offers a pretty basic plot with just a few entertaining action scenes. The movie is produced in France, with a french cast. Some of the actors have been already part of the cast in major Hollywood productions. District B13 brings a few entertaining action scenes with some great stunts, but a really boring plot. It captures everyone's attention within the first 5-10 minutes of action and amazing stunts, but then it is limited to a poor script and plot, not mentioning the low performance offered by some of the roles involved in this movie. Based in Paris (year 2010), the police has taken action against the chaos and has built a wall around every single ghetto especially, District B13, considered the most dangerous one. Drugs and nuclear threats involve this plot, where a cop and a insider get together to fight back against the chaos and gang that is about to destroy the city.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I totally enjoyed the first 5-10 minutes with all the stunts and first action scenes. I thought it would maintain that same level of entertainment, but I was wrong
2. The fighting scenes were actually entertaining
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot was poor and predictable
2. Some of the roles were poorly performed
3. Some of the scenes were so obviously fake that turned the expectations down. For example, the moments when the insider and sister, or the insider and the cop drive a car and a van and they're being shot by all the gang members, but nothing happens to them
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Pierre Morel
U.S. Rating: R
District B13 offers a pretty basic plot with just a few entertaining action scenes. The movie is produced in France, with a french cast. Some of the actors have been already part of the cast in major Hollywood productions. District B13 brings a few entertaining action scenes with some great stunts, but a really boring plot. It captures everyone's attention within the first 5-10 minutes of action and amazing stunts, but then it is limited to a poor script and plot, not mentioning the low performance offered by some of the roles involved in this movie. Based in Paris (year 2010), the police has taken action against the chaos and has built a wall around every single ghetto especially, District B13, considered the most dangerous one. Drugs and nuclear threats involve this plot, where a cop and a insider get together to fight back against the chaos and gang that is about to destroy the city.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I totally enjoyed the first 5-10 minutes with all the stunts and first action scenes. I thought it would maintain that same level of entertainment, but I was wrong
2. The fighting scenes were actually entertaining
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot was poor and predictable
2. Some of the roles were poorly performed
3. Some of the scenes were so obviously fake that turned the expectations down. For example, the moments when the insider and sister, or the insider and the cop drive a car and a van and they're being shot by all the gang members, but nothing happens to them
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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