Synopsis: Gus and his nerdy buddies, Richie and Clark, are scouted by a millionaire nerd, Mel, who wants to form a baseball team and compete with the meanest Little League teams in the state. A stellar ballplayer, Gus becomes a role model for nerds and outcasts everywhere. But when his fans learn that Gus, himself, was once a school bully, they feel outraged and betrayed, until Gus takes extraordinary steps to win back their admiration and trust.
Starring: Rob Schneider, David Spade, Jon Heder, Jon Lovitz, Craig Kilborn
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Well, a movie where the cast didn't have to make a huge effort to play their roles. Even though, it's my kind of humor (toilet humor), this plot offered a few really funny scenes and situations. Something interesting: A movie produced by Happy Madison movie producers and Adam Sandlers is not playing in it?! Anyway, some people have criticized this movie saying that it had no content at all, I could agree with that in some way, but I couldn't say that it is a funny movie though. It might be my kind of humor, but there were some really funny situations and scenes. I could say that not all the cast should have been chosen for this movie and they could have added better material to the plot, especially on the second half of the movie.
What did I like from this movie?
1. David Spade's haircut... hilarious!
2. Jon "Napoleon" Heder playing his dumb-retard attitude and behavior
3. The scenes when the team that is in first place bring to their team this old Puerto Rican player and they get threatened by his power, but then they buy them with some alcohol
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I didn't like Jon Lovitz. I personally believe he's kinda weird. Other than the scenes when he appears with the Batmobile and night rider, I think he wasn't the best option for his role
2. They could get better material, content and scenes for the second half of the movie. After they get in the tournament, it gets kinda boring, especially at the end of the movie
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Dennis Dugan
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Well, a movie where the cast didn't have to make a huge effort to play their roles. Even though, it's my kind of humor (toilet humor), this plot offered a few really funny scenes and situations. Something interesting: A movie produced by Happy Madison movie producers and Adam Sandlers is not playing in it?! Anyway, some people have criticized this movie saying that it had no content at all, I could agree with that in some way, but I couldn't say that it is a funny movie though. It might be my kind of humor, but there were some really funny situations and scenes. I could say that not all the cast should have been chosen for this movie and they could have added better material to the plot, especially on the second half of the movie.
What did I like from this movie?
1. David Spade's haircut... hilarious!
2. Jon "Napoleon" Heder playing his dumb-retard attitude and behavior
3. The scenes when the team that is in first place bring to their team this old Puerto Rican player and they get threatened by his power, but then they buy them with some alcohol
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I didn't like Jon Lovitz. I personally believe he's kinda weird. Other than the scenes when he appears with the Batmobile and night rider, I think he wasn't the best option for his role
2. They could get better material, content and scenes for the second half of the movie. After they get in the tournament, it gets kinda boring, especially at the end of the movie
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
Mark loves this movie but I'll be honest and say I don't know what he sees in it. I do like some of the really funny scenes or lines but all together I didn't care for this one that much. We own it never-the-less...