Synopsis: Based on Mexico's current criminal climate, EL CÁRTEL is a rare look into the values and practices of the world's most intriguing and enigmatic industry - the multi-billion dollar business of drug trafficking. When Jules Land, a naïve business journalist, approaches Mexico's most notorious drug cartel and requests an audience with its leader, a one-time-priest turned murderous cutthroat, he quickly realizes he's in over his head. Wanting only the chance to kick-start his struggling career, Jules goes from seeking to understand the principles behind The Cartel's success, to fighting to return home with his wits - and his life - intact.
Starring: José Luis Franco, Freddy Douglas, Mauricio Islas, Tania Arredondo, Howard Gibson
Directed by: Brian J. Bagley
U.S. Rating: R
First of all, how in the world, a naïve business journalist will have a face to face interview with a Lord of Drugs? For someone who has lived most of his life in South America, I know that this is almost impossible to do. You will certainly get either killed trying. You just need to read or watch documentaries about Pablo Escobar, the most famous and terrible Lord of Drugs that have ever lived so far. This people are not a celebrity or politician that you just go to their assistants or secretaries and set an appointment to talk with them! anyway, I watched this movie and I might have liked that they showed (just the very top of the iceberg!) some of the hundred, maybe thousand different ways that drug dealers try to move their merchandise. Also, how they try to show in this movie their evil actions toward anyone that interfere in their business.
What did I like from this movie?
1. As I mentioned before, I liked that hey showed (just the very top of the iceberg!) some of the hundred, maybe thousand different ways that drug dealers try to move their merchandise. Also, how they try to show in this movie their evil actions toward anyone that interfere in their business.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That it's so hard to believe a story about a naive business journalist will have a face to face interview with a Lord of Drugs.
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Brian J. Bagley
U.S. Rating: R
First of all, how in the world, a naïve business journalist will have a face to face interview with a Lord of Drugs? For someone who has lived most of his life in South America, I know that this is almost impossible to do. You will certainly get either killed trying. You just need to read or watch documentaries about Pablo Escobar, the most famous and terrible Lord of Drugs that have ever lived so far. This people are not a celebrity or politician that you just go to their assistants or secretaries and set an appointment to talk with them! anyway, I watched this movie and I might have liked that they showed (just the very top of the iceberg!) some of the hundred, maybe thousand different ways that drug dealers try to move their merchandise. Also, how they try to show in this movie their evil actions toward anyone that interfere in their business.
What did I like from this movie?
1. As I mentioned before, I liked that hey showed (just the very top of the iceberg!) some of the hundred, maybe thousand different ways that drug dealers try to move their merchandise. Also, how they try to show in this movie their evil actions toward anyone that interfere in their business.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That it's so hard to believe a story about a naive business journalist will have a face to face interview with a Lord of Drugs.
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
Maybe you should have paid attention to the movie. Jules' wife is the niece of Santa, the drug Lord. That is how Jules gets connected.