Synopsis: On the surface, Saya is a stunning 16-year old girl, but that youthful exterior hides the tormented soul of a 400 year-old "halfling." Born to a human father and a vampire mother, she has for centuries been a loner, obsessed with using her samurai skills to rid the world of vampires, all the while knowing that she herself can survive only on blood like those she hunts. When she is sent to an American military base in Tokyo by the clandestine organization for whom she works, Saya immediately senses that this may be her opportunity to finally destroy Onigen, the evil patriarch of all vampires. Using her superhuman strength and her sword, she begins to rid the base of its evil infestation in a series of spectacular and elaborate showdowns. However, it is not until she forms her first human friendship in centuries with the young daughter of the base's general that Saya learns her greatest power over Onigen may well be her ability to make a human connection.
Starring: Ji-hyeon, Allison Miller, Masiela Lusha, Andrew Pleavin, Koyuki
Directed by: Chris Nahon
U.S. Rating: R
I have not much to say about this movie. I wasn't expecting something different or that I could consider to be interesting about the plot, but it was completely predictable and really dark and boring. Just another cheap movie about Vampire hunters, I could compare this movie with Wesley Snipes' Blade Trilogy, the only difference is that in this movie, is a young chinese girl, instead of a black american guy.
What did I like from this movie?
1. Some few effects. That's all I liked from this movie.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. As I said, it's a dark, boring and predictable plot.
2. The director tried to use the moves and effects used in some fighting scenes in movies like Crunching Tiger, Hero, etc.
I would rate this movie with a 1/5
Directed by: Chris Nahon
U.S. Rating: R
I have not much to say about this movie. I wasn't expecting something different or that I could consider to be interesting about the plot, but it was completely predictable and really dark and boring. Just another cheap movie about Vampire hunters, I could compare this movie with Wesley Snipes' Blade Trilogy, the only difference is that in this movie, is a young chinese girl, instead of a black american guy.
What did I like from this movie?
1. Some few effects. That's all I liked from this movie.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. As I said, it's a dark, boring and predictable plot.
2. The director tried to use the moves and effects used in some fighting scenes in movies like Crunching Tiger, Hero, etc.
I would rate this movie with a 1/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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