Synopsis: Kari Ames is a successful real estate agent. She is a college graduate and dedicated wife and mother. Her husband, David Ames, is a well-respected author, lecturer and Dean of the Humanities Department at Xavier University. They seem to have the perfect life until the kidnapping of their 4 year old daughter, Mikayla, turns their fairytale lives and marriage into a nightmare. Over the course of seven days the couples search to find their daughter. As dark secrets of Kari's past surface she struggles to find truth in her identity and peace within herself. While David deals with the reality of his daughter missing he is plagued with guilt of his own infidelities. Danger awaits the couple at every turn and the faith they once leaned on loses ground under false pretenses and the demons that haunt them. With only six days to find their daughter, whom is presumed to be abducted by a local serial killer, the couple races against time, their own insecurities and dark secrets to save her.
Release Date: April 13th, 2012
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Release Date: April 13th, 2012
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Enjoy it!