Synopsis: After the fall of the communist regime in Bosnia-Herzegovina in 1991, Divko Buntic returns to his former home after a 20-year exile in Germany. Returning with an attractive young girlfriend, a flashy new Mercedes, a pocketful of cash, and a lucky black cat, things are looking good for Divko. When his cat goes missing things begin to fall apart: trouble with his girlfriend and the fledgling relation with his estranged son are strained as the entire town scrambles to find the cat and collect the cash reward being offered. Divko's personal tumult finds an unsettling mirror in the country at large with signs appearing that the Bosnian War is coming. As the war looms, tensions run high and Divko must decide whether to stay in his newly reestablished home or leave.
Release Date: February 17th, 2012
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Release Date: February 17th, 2012
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Enjoy it!
Interesting, but it looks like it is borrowing a bit too much from other films