The movie trailer for the upcoming film,Griff The Invisible, has been finally released. The film is based on the story of Griffin, a fictional character, the eponym and antagonist of H. G. Wells's science fiction novel The Invisible Man, first published in 1897. Griffin is a young scientist who wants to create the ultimate humanoid by creating a race of invisible people. The film is planned to be released this next March.
Synopsis: Griffin is a brilliant research scientist who discovers a formula that makes a human being invisible. The formula entails taking opium and another drug, which make his blood clear, then processing him in a radiator engine. It succeeds, but he finds himself unable to reverse the process. Unlike the character in the 1933 film, the Griffin of the novel is possibly a psychopath, even before he makes himself invisible.
Release Date: March, 2011
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Release Date: March, 2011
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Enjoy it!