The new horror film, Absentia, is an Indie production that is attempt to be released sometime this year, 2011. The movie trailer has been released just few days ago, and I must admit that it is CREEPY! The film is about a woman who lost her husband 7 years ago and now she has to declare him dead in absentia. Definitely a horor film to keep an eye on this year.
Synopsis: Absentia tells the story of a woman whose husband has been missing for seven years, and she must now face the grim realities of declaring him "dead in absentia." With the help of her sister and a sympathetic detective she tries to move on with her life. But all is not what it seems to be, and they will soon discover there are fates worse than death.
Release Date: 2011
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Release Date: 2011
Check the trailer and let us know what you think about it!
Enjoy it!