Synopsis: Detective Allen Gamble is a forensic accountant who's more interested in paperwork than hitting the streets. Detective Terry Hoitz is a tough guy who has been stuck with Allen as his partner ever since an unfortunate run-in with Derek Jeter. Allen and Terry idolize the city's top cops, Danson and Highsmith, but when an opportunity arises for the Other Guys to step up, things don't quite go as planned.
Starring: Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Eva Mendes, Michael Keaton, Steve Coogan
Directed by: Adam McKay
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Another great action comedy enjoyed this year. The Other Guys joins an amazing cast to a really funny and entertaining plot. With 5 of my top favorites actors (Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Keaton, Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson), I couldn't expect less than the great fun and loud laughs I had watching this film.
Detectives Danson ('The Rock') and Highsmith (Samuel L Johnson) are the toughest and most famous police couple fighting criminals in all the streets of New York. In the other hand, we have "The Other Guys", Detective Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell), a forensic accountant more interested in all the office paperwork than fighting crime on the streets and Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg), a frustrated and disgraced officer that has been assigned to be Gamble's partner ever since he shot Derek Jeter during the World Series.
Gamble and Hoitz receive no respect from the other officers, especially from Danson and Highsmith, no matter how much Gamble idolizes them. During a pursuit of a group of bank robbers, Danson and Highsmith (lost in their own 'invincible' ego) jump off a 20-story building onto the sidewalk, trying to catch these professional robbers. Now that the police department has lost their best Detective couple, the fight to conquer that position has started. While other officers try to do their best to fight crime and get their recognition, Gamble prefers to do his best at a very secure and quiet place, his desk. When an opportunity arises for Gamble and Hoitz, everything they do works against them. They investigate a very important scaffolding permit violation and corruption case led by multi-billionaire David Ershon to cover his company's losses. Gamble and Hoitz are forced to split up, Hoitz becomes a traffic cop and Gamble tries to investigate the case by himself. When he finally finds all the clues to solve the case, they reunite again and become the true heroes solving the case and putting behind bars the bad guys, Ershon and Wesley.
The film was loaded with spontaneous and really funny scenes. The cast brought their best talent to make the film really, really entertaining. I totally laught with Will Ferrell's role, especially when he goes back to his old life as a 'Pimp'. He was HILARIOUS! It was also really funny to see Michael Keaton working in this film, his role was really funny as the Captain of the police department.
I highly recommend this film as a good option if you're looking for a really funny movie and enjoy a good time.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Adam McKay
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Another great action comedy enjoyed this year. The Other Guys joins an amazing cast to a really funny and entertaining plot. With 5 of my top favorites actors (Will Ferrell, Mark Wahlberg, Michael Keaton, Samuel L Jackson and Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson), I couldn't expect less than the great fun and loud laughs I had watching this film.
Detectives Danson ('The Rock') and Highsmith (Samuel L Johnson) are the toughest and most famous police couple fighting criminals in all the streets of New York. In the other hand, we have "The Other Guys", Detective Allen Gamble (Will Ferrell), a forensic accountant more interested in all the office paperwork than fighting crime on the streets and Terry Hoitz (Mark Wahlberg), a frustrated and disgraced officer that has been assigned to be Gamble's partner ever since he shot Derek Jeter during the World Series.
Gamble and Hoitz receive no respect from the other officers, especially from Danson and Highsmith, no matter how much Gamble idolizes them. During a pursuit of a group of bank robbers, Danson and Highsmith (lost in their own 'invincible' ego) jump off a 20-story building onto the sidewalk, trying to catch these professional robbers. Now that the police department has lost their best Detective couple, the fight to conquer that position has started. While other officers try to do their best to fight crime and get their recognition, Gamble prefers to do his best at a very secure and quiet place, his desk. When an opportunity arises for Gamble and Hoitz, everything they do works against them. They investigate a very important scaffolding permit violation and corruption case led by multi-billionaire David Ershon to cover his company's losses. Gamble and Hoitz are forced to split up, Hoitz becomes a traffic cop and Gamble tries to investigate the case by himself. When he finally finds all the clues to solve the case, they reunite again and become the true heroes solving the case and putting behind bars the bad guys, Ershon and Wesley.
The film was loaded with spontaneous and really funny scenes. The cast brought their best talent to make the film really, really entertaining. I totally laught with Will Ferrell's role, especially when he goes back to his old life as a 'Pimp'. He was HILARIOUS! It was also really funny to see Michael Keaton working in this film, his role was really funny as the Captain of the police department.
I highly recommend this film as a good option if you're looking for a really funny movie and enjoy a good time.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Have you watched the film? What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie? Share with us your thoughts!
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