Synopsis: A workaholic architect, who has been overlooking his family in favor of his career, comes across a universal remote that allows him to perform TiVo-like functions on his life, such as pausing events or fast-forwarding over them. When the remote begins creating its own memory and choosing what to fast-forward over, the man sees how much of his personal life has passed him by and realizes the importance of spending more time with his family.
Starring: Adam Sandler, Kate Beckinsale, Christopher Walken, David Hasselhoff, Sean Astin
Directed by: Frank Coraci
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Click is one of those movies that makes you laugh and have many thought-provoking moments, but you honestly don't know if it is a comedy film with some emotional drama scenes, or a drama film with some funny comedy scenes. For this particular film, I'd divide the film in two. The first half could be considered the funny comedy part, and the second half the drama emotional part.
Click is a film played by such an amazing cast. I should say that some of these talented people were wasted on this film, since they had just derisory roles, for example, Christopher Walken.
I wouldn't consider myself a loyal fan of Adam Sandler's films but, I must say that I've watched almost every single one of his films. He's improved through the years and the good thing is that he has tried to mix drama and romance to most of his latest roles and films. The big success is that he always manages to get a great cast to support his role and I think that's a key part of the success of these films.
Click is nothing more than an enjoyable movie. The plot is not that great but it is entertaining, it delivers some really good laughs and some emotional moments, especially at the end of the film. I really enjoyed that mix.
No matter what, I'd say that if you're looking for an enjoyable film to watch and you coup with Adam Sandler's sense of humor, Click is one of those good options to watch.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked the emotional message about the importance of family expressed on this film
2. I really enjoyed the cast selection for this film. Sadly, the director and production could have got more from this amazing cast
3. Kate Beckinsale :) She's my platonic love
4. There were some really good laughable moments on this film
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. As said before, I do believe most of the cast was underused
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Frank Coraci
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Click is one of those movies that makes you laugh and have many thought-provoking moments, but you honestly don't know if it is a comedy film with some emotional drama scenes, or a drama film with some funny comedy scenes. For this particular film, I'd divide the film in two. The first half could be considered the funny comedy part, and the second half the drama emotional part.
Click is a film played by such an amazing cast. I should say that some of these talented people were wasted on this film, since they had just derisory roles, for example, Christopher Walken.
I wouldn't consider myself a loyal fan of Adam Sandler's films but, I must say that I've watched almost every single one of his films. He's improved through the years and the good thing is that he has tried to mix drama and romance to most of his latest roles and films. The big success is that he always manages to get a great cast to support his role and I think that's a key part of the success of these films.
Click is nothing more than an enjoyable movie. The plot is not that great but it is entertaining, it delivers some really good laughs and some emotional moments, especially at the end of the film. I really enjoyed that mix.
No matter what, I'd say that if you're looking for an enjoyable film to watch and you coup with Adam Sandler's sense of humor, Click is one of those good options to watch.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked the emotional message about the importance of family expressed on this film
2. I really enjoyed the cast selection for this film. Sadly, the director and production could have got more from this amazing cast
3. Kate Beckinsale :) She's my platonic love
4. There were some really good laughable moments on this film
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. As said before, I do believe most of the cast was underused
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!