Synopsis: A crew of armored truck guards execute a meticulously planned robbery of their own security firm, but when their seemingly foolproof plan unravels, the men turn against each other as they desperately try to save themselves.
Starring: Matt Dillon, Jean Reno, Laurence Fishburne, Amaury Nolasco, Fred Ward
Directed by: Nimrod Antal
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I could say that Armored is one of those movies that you won't remember the morning after you watched it, but I do believe that it will definitely entertain you while you watch it, no doubt about it. With such an amazing cast, this intriguing plot is played by some of the most talented actors in Hollywood. They do what they do best, and they deliver the unique suspense and action that we expect to see in this film. Based on a group of officers working for an armored transport security firm, they plan the fool-proof ultimate heist against their own company, while they deliver 42 millions from a financial entity. Everything went well until they include an honest officer that is forced to accept be part of the plan due to all of his financial and personal problems, but when a serie of unexpected events start playing against their plan, this honest officer will turn against his partners and will stop them, doing whatever it takes to save the life of a police officer, his younger brother and his own life. A really entertaining action film, totally recommended for a quiet and relaxing afternoon at home.
What did I like from this movie?
1. Such a great cast selected for this film
2. It is a pretty simple plot, but really entertaining
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Murphy's Laws were 101% applied in this script, they faced every possible wrong situation
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
Directed by: Nimrod Antal
U.S. Rating: PG-13
I could say that Armored is one of those movies that you won't remember the morning after you watched it, but I do believe that it will definitely entertain you while you watch it, no doubt about it. With such an amazing cast, this intriguing plot is played by some of the most talented actors in Hollywood. They do what they do best, and they deliver the unique suspense and action that we expect to see in this film. Based on a group of officers working for an armored transport security firm, they plan the fool-proof ultimate heist against their own company, while they deliver 42 millions from a financial entity. Everything went well until they include an honest officer that is forced to accept be part of the plan due to all of his financial and personal problems, but when a serie of unexpected events start playing against their plan, this honest officer will turn against his partners and will stop them, doing whatever it takes to save the life of a police officer, his younger brother and his own life. A really entertaining action film, totally recommended for a quiet and relaxing afternoon at home.
What did I like from this movie?
1. Such a great cast selected for this film
2. It is a pretty simple plot, but really entertaining
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Murphy's Laws were 101% applied in this script, they faced every possible wrong situation
I would rate this movie with a 3/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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