Synopsis: Based on the true story of a twice-divorced mother working as a low-level secretary at a Los Angeles law firm, a chronicle of a woman, without a law degree, who takes it upon herself to fight powerful corporate forces. Hired out of sympathy after her lawyer lost her personal injury suit, Brockovich stumbled upon the cover-up involving contaminated water in a small desert community, while working at the small law firm. Brockovich tracks a case of water poisoning created by PG&E (Pacific Gas & Electric) and champions it all the way up the judicial ladder--becoming instrumental in rallying the over 600 plaintiffs and in helping them win the largest class-action suit of its type.
Starring: Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, Aaron Eckhart, Marg Helgenberger, David Brisbin
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
U.S. Rating: R
Without hesitation, I must say that this in one of my favorite movies of all time. Julia Roberts played a role with such perfection that made everyone be involved not just in the story, but in Erin's life. Even though the script is based on a true story, the plot was so strong that made the combination plot/cast to obtain the perfect results. An interesting detail about the movie is that I never knew that the real Erin Brockovich had a small role played in this film! She played the role of Julia, the waitress. Everyone knows that I love films based on true stories. I watch and enjoyed them all (well, most of them), but this film was one of the best films based on true stories that I've ever watched. According with Wikipedia, the story shown on the plot is totally accurate, despite some minor details. I never get tired of watching this film, I always find it fascinating and so motivating. Totally recommended!
What did I like from this movie?
1. What I enjoyed the most was the story told on this film. They showed that Erin was a woman submerged in so many personal and financial problems and dilemmas like everybody else, with no higher education, but with the determination and dedication to achieve her goals and final results. She was able to work for others, expecting nothing back, just the joy of knowing that she helped other people to overcome injustice
2. Julia Robert's role. My respects for this amazing role played. I'm not a big fan of her, but I totally loved her work in this movie!
3. Great cast and strong plot
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing!
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
Directed by: Steven Soderbergh
U.S. Rating: R
Without hesitation, I must say that this in one of my favorite movies of all time. Julia Roberts played a role with such perfection that made everyone be involved not just in the story, but in Erin's life. Even though the script is based on a true story, the plot was so strong that made the combination plot/cast to obtain the perfect results. An interesting detail about the movie is that I never knew that the real Erin Brockovich had a small role played in this film! She played the role of Julia, the waitress. Everyone knows that I love films based on true stories. I watch and enjoyed them all (well, most of them), but this film was one of the best films based on true stories that I've ever watched. According with Wikipedia, the story shown on the plot is totally accurate, despite some minor details. I never get tired of watching this film, I always find it fascinating and so motivating. Totally recommended!
What did I like from this movie?
1. What I enjoyed the most was the story told on this film. They showed that Erin was a woman submerged in so many personal and financial problems and dilemmas like everybody else, with no higher education, but with the determination and dedication to achieve her goals and final results. She was able to work for others, expecting nothing back, just the joy of knowing that she helped other people to overcome injustice
2. Julia Robert's role. My respects for this amazing role played. I'm not a big fan of her, but I totally loved her work in this movie!
3. Great cast and strong plot
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing!
I would rate this movie with a 5/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
I like almost all movies that are based on true stories and this one was definitely worth the watch! A very good true story.
~#1 Fan