Synopsis: In one fleeting moment, L.A. firefighter Gordy Brewer loses everything he ever cared about. Running late to meet his wife and young son at a downtown high-rise, the devoted family man arrives in time to witness a bomb explode, showering the area with debris and shattered glass. The explosion is credited to 'El Lobo, The Wolf', an infamous rebel leader in Colombia's decades-long civil war. The intended targets were members of the Colombian consulate and American intelligence agents; its casualties included one civilian woman and one small boy--Gordy's family, innocent people who lost their lives for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Gordy's only consolation for the loss of his family is the hope that the Wolf will be stopped before he has a chance to strike again. When the official U.S. investigation into the Wolf stalls, Gordy realizes that bringing the terrorist to justice is no longer a priority to anyone but himself. Gordy heads to war-torn Colombia to track him down alone.
Starring: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Francesca Neri, Elias Koteas, Cliff Curtis, John Leguizamo
Directed by: Andrew Davis, Billy Burton
U.S. Rating: R
I'd like to start saying that if the lead role was played by any other actor but Arnold Schwarzenegger, it would have been such a disaster. Arnold Schwarzenegger made the difference in this film. Even though, the plot is based on a fictional act of terrorism, I could say that it didn't offer a political/social view, just a personal view of a fireman who loses his wife and son in a terrorist attack against the Colombian embassy in American soil. When he notices that the federal government is not doing enough to identify and capture the responsible of this terrorist act, he decides to travel to Colombia in a dangerous adventure that will lead him to the head of the terrorist group. Filled with so much fictional situations, this action movie offers nothing but big explosions, crazy situations in the middle of the jungle and a twisted final. I remember that this film was one of the first movies that had to be edited right after the event of 9/11, since it had some sensitive material (terrorist attack in American soil). This might be the reason, besides that it was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, that I felt motivated to go and watch the film in a theater.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The first part of the film (first 20-30 minutes) was quite interesting and promising
2. I enjoyed the final, it was kind of unexpected
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. How come a blond, blue eyed, huge sack of muscles can be walking and taking buses in the middle of the Colombian jungle without being noticed?!
2. The lead role was a fireman, but he did act in the middle of the jungle like he was trained by some kind of military elite force!
3. All the scenes related with the rebel group sucked, the real Colombian rebel groups might felt offended by the way they're shown in this film
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Andrew Davis, Billy Burton
U.S. Rating: R
I'd like to start saying that if the lead role was played by any other actor but Arnold Schwarzenegger, it would have been such a disaster. Arnold Schwarzenegger made the difference in this film. Even though, the plot is based on a fictional act of terrorism, I could say that it didn't offer a political/social view, just a personal view of a fireman who loses his wife and son in a terrorist attack against the Colombian embassy in American soil. When he notices that the federal government is not doing enough to identify and capture the responsible of this terrorist act, he decides to travel to Colombia in a dangerous adventure that will lead him to the head of the terrorist group. Filled with so much fictional situations, this action movie offers nothing but big explosions, crazy situations in the middle of the jungle and a twisted final. I remember that this film was one of the first movies that had to be edited right after the event of 9/11, since it had some sensitive material (terrorist attack in American soil). This might be the reason, besides that it was played by Arnold Schwarzenegger, that I felt motivated to go and watch the film in a theater.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The first part of the film (first 20-30 minutes) was quite interesting and promising
2. I enjoyed the final, it was kind of unexpected
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. How come a blond, blue eyed, huge sack of muscles can be walking and taking buses in the middle of the Colombian jungle without being noticed?!
2. The lead role was a fireman, but he did act in the middle of the jungle like he was trained by some kind of military elite force!
3. All the scenes related with the rebel group sucked, the real Colombian rebel groups might felt offended by the way they're shown in this film
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!