Synopsis: After the failure of his career, his marriage, and his suicide attempt, world-class grouch Boris Yellnikoff, spends his days insulting the small children unfortunate enough to study chess with him and irritating his still-loyal friends with his never-ending tirades about the worthlessness of absolutely everything. A former Columbia Professor and self-proclaimed genius who came close to winning a Nobel Prize for Quantum Mechanics, Boris fancies himself the only one who fully comprehends the meaningless of all human aspirations, and the pitch-black chaos of the universe. As he readily admits, Boris is not a 'feel-good person.'
Starring: Larry David, Evan Rachel Wood, Patricia Clarkson, Ed Begley Jr, Michael McKean
Directed by: Woody Allen
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Who doesn't love Larry David?! Anyone who loves Curb Your Enthusiasm will definitely love this movie! Whatever works is Woody Allen's latest production, a smart, hilarious and entertaining plot about Boris Yellnikoff, a very irritating man with no sense of patience at all, who doesn't like sex or be married to any woman... at all! Boris is considered a genius, someone nominated for a Nobel Prize in Quantum Mechanics, but he didn't get it. He's hypochondriac and washes his hands while he sings twice Happy Birthday. Oh! forgot to add that he's divorced and he limps when he walks after trying to commit suicide and he didn't make it. Boris meets accidentally Melody, who stays at his apartment and after a while, they get married. Then, her mother finds her and by some crazy opportunities, she becomes a famous photographer... and wild liberal woman living with two men. Her father, a devote and crazy priest drowned in debts, finds her while he's trying to find his wife and gets her back. On this journey, he discovers some secrets about himself. A really funny and twisted final. Totally recommended!
What did I like from this movie?
1. When he teaches and plays Chess with kids. The way he insults them and gets money from them when he wins. So Hilarious!
2. Boris' personality... if there was someone perfect for this role, it was 'undoubtedly' Larry David
3. The moment when Melody's dad finds her and starts praying in the room, really funny (same situation when her mother found her!)
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I'm not a big fan of Woody Allen's work, but this one was a really funny one!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Woody Allen
U.S. Rating: PG-13
Who doesn't love Larry David?! Anyone who loves Curb Your Enthusiasm will definitely love this movie! Whatever works is Woody Allen's latest production, a smart, hilarious and entertaining plot about Boris Yellnikoff, a very irritating man with no sense of patience at all, who doesn't like sex or be married to any woman... at all! Boris is considered a genius, someone nominated for a Nobel Prize in Quantum Mechanics, but he didn't get it. He's hypochondriac and washes his hands while he sings twice Happy Birthday. Oh! forgot to add that he's divorced and he limps when he walks after trying to commit suicide and he didn't make it. Boris meets accidentally Melody, who stays at his apartment and after a while, they get married. Then, her mother finds her and by some crazy opportunities, she becomes a famous photographer... and wild liberal woman living with two men. Her father, a devote and crazy priest drowned in debts, finds her while he's trying to find his wife and gets her back. On this journey, he discovers some secrets about himself. A really funny and twisted final. Totally recommended!
What did I like from this movie?
1. When he teaches and plays Chess with kids. The way he insults them and gets money from them when he wins. So Hilarious!
2. Boris' personality... if there was someone perfect for this role, it was 'undoubtedly' Larry David
3. The moment when Melody's dad finds her and starts praying in the room, really funny (same situation when her mother found her!)
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I'm not a big fan of Woody Allen's work, but this one was a really funny one!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
LOVED this movie. It was a good choice honey. So you! I wonder if there are more Larry David movies?
Nope, he plays in other movies, but not as the main character like in this one.