Synopsis: Laura Quinn, a bright, driven and beautiful executive at the London Diamond Corporation finds herself frustrated by a glass ceiling after years of faithful employment, as man after man is promoted ahead of her despite her greater experience. Hobbs, the nighttime janitor at London Diamond, is virtually invisible to the executives that work there, but over the years has amassed a startling amount of knowledge about how the company runs. Hobbs has his own bone to pick with London Diamond. Observing Laura's frustration, he convinces her to help him execute an ingenious plan to steal a hefty sum in diamonds. But unbeknownst to Laura, Hobbs plans go even farther than he's let on, and together they set in motion a thrilling heist of dizzying proportions, the likes of which London has never seen.
Starring: Michael Caine, Demi Moore, Lambert Wilson, Joss Ackland, Constantine Gregory
Directed by: Michael Radford
U.S. Rating: PG-13
A really interesting and entertaining plot. Demi Moore and Michael Caine bring this suspens thriller about an amazing plan to steal one of the biggest diamonds corporation in the world. Even though, we've watches so many similar plots like this one, I personally believe that the main difference is the terrific performance from Michael Caine and Demi Moore. A simple but powerful script that will keep you aware of every single details, and especially, watching such a very unexpected end, when nothing seemed to be what everyone was expecting from Michael Caine, the reason why he did it and most important, what really happened in the end. Totally recommended for those lovers of an enjoyable heist thriller.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The plot was really entertaining. These are the kind of plots I really enjoy
2. What really happened with the diamonds, so unexpected!
3. Moore, Caine and Wilson's roles were greatly performed
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Demi Moore's make up as an old woman, so wrong! It looked so fake
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Michael Radford
U.S. Rating: PG-13
A really interesting and entertaining plot. Demi Moore and Michael Caine bring this suspens thriller about an amazing plan to steal one of the biggest diamonds corporation in the world. Even though, we've watches so many similar plots like this one, I personally believe that the main difference is the terrific performance from Michael Caine and Demi Moore. A simple but powerful script that will keep you aware of every single details, and especially, watching such a very unexpected end, when nothing seemed to be what everyone was expecting from Michael Caine, the reason why he did it and most important, what really happened in the end. Totally recommended for those lovers of an enjoyable heist thriller.
What did I like from this movie?
1. The plot was really entertaining. These are the kind of plots I really enjoy
2. What really happened with the diamonds, so unexpected!
3. Moore, Caine and Wilson's roles were greatly performed
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Demi Moore's make up as an old woman, so wrong! It looked so fake
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!
I love Michael Caine! Not a big fan of Demi, though. Can't wait until some of these movies show up on instant play Netflix! I need to catch up on some movies.
~#1 Fan