Synopsis: Effie White, Deena Jones, and Lorrell Robinson - three friends from Chicago - are a promising singing trio called The Dreamettes. Accompanied by their songwriter C.C. White (Effie's brother), they travel to New York to compete in a talent show at the Apollo Theatre. Although the girls lose this first bid for fame, their talent attracts an ambitious manager by the name of Curtis Taylor, Jr., who uses unscrupulous tactics to move the girls from backup singers of superstar James "Thunder" Early to superstars of their own. Curtis reshapes the group to "crossover" from R & B to the lucrative pop music scene. Lead singer Effie gets replaced by the more attractive Deena and is eventually dropped from the trio. The group evolves into a more sophisticated group, The Dreams, with a lighter sound and chic look. They successfully attract a "whiter" audience and The Dreams rise to international stardom. The money, fame, and adulation, however, doesn't bring them happiness.
Starring: Beyonce Knowles, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Murphy, Danny Glover, Jennifer Hudson
Directed by: Bill Condon
U.S. Rating: PG-13
All reviews and critics describe Dreamgirls as one of the most brilliant musical films in decades. Oscar winner, an amazing cast and a strong plot are just few of the things offered by the hand of Bill Condon. The only problem, I couldn't enjoy it. Honestly, I'm anti-musical films, I simply don't get them, I can't focus and enjoy these plots.. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't enjoy them. I've watched them all, successful films like Chicago, Dreamgirls, Hairspray, Grease, etc., I haven't been able to enjoy any of them, simply because I might not like musicals at all? So, I believe I'm the worst person to publish a review about this movie, since I recognize that it is such a great and successful movie, with a great cast and a pretty strong and enjoyable plot.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked Eddie Murphy's performance. After watching him playing so many roles in action and comedy movies, it was worth to watch him playing a different role in a drama/musical film (Even though, he brings some comedy to the plot through his role)
2. I must recognize Jennifer Hudson's performance. She totally deserved her Oscar for this appearance
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing, it is just that I'm not a musical films person, at all!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Bill Condon
U.S. Rating: PG-13
All reviews and critics describe Dreamgirls as one of the most brilliant musical films in decades. Oscar winner, an amazing cast and a strong plot are just few of the things offered by the hand of Bill Condon. The only problem, I couldn't enjoy it. Honestly, I'm anti-musical films, I simply don't get them, I can't focus and enjoy these plots.. It's not that I don't like them, I just don't enjoy them. I've watched them all, successful films like Chicago, Dreamgirls, Hairspray, Grease, etc., I haven't been able to enjoy any of them, simply because I might not like musicals at all? So, I believe I'm the worst person to publish a review about this movie, since I recognize that it is such a great and successful movie, with a great cast and a pretty strong and enjoyable plot.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I liked Eddie Murphy's performance. After watching him playing so many roles in action and comedy movies, it was worth to watch him playing a different role in a drama/musical film (Even though, he brings some comedy to the plot through his role)
2. I must recognize Jennifer Hudson's performance. She totally deserved her Oscar for this appearance
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Nothing, it is just that I'm not a musical films person, at all!
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!