News: South of the Borther

Saturday, September 5, 2009
By the moment I write this post, I could say that I face mixed opinions in my mind. I must admit that Oliver Stone could be considered a good director, since he's directed some of the greatest movies of all time, for example, Platoon. After saying that, I could say that recently, he's made a wide list of mistakes, especially about his "political point of view".
I personally don't like to mix politics with anything else, but when someone like Oliver Stone, with the possibility to bring a movie and message to the masses, takes this benefit to promote and glorify the image of a man hungry and thirsty of publicity, to satisfy Chavez's personal and sick ego, I must take a step forward and express my opinion, especially as Venezuelan, one of the 25 million people that have been affected by this lunatic and megalomaniac and his personal ego and desperate love for power.

Here's the Official trailer of Stone's most recent piece of garbage... sorry, production.

My only concern is... what will Oliver Stone do when Chavez and Correa face a future trial in the International Court of Justice (as -we- Venezuelans, Colombians and most of the Latin American people know), against all the strong, inevitable and irrefutable documents, videos and testimonies proving that they have not just helped and supported the FARC terrorist organization, but they are currently hiding and protecting their leaders in their countries and territories, as happened in March 2008, when Colombia killed in an intelligence operation and military strike one of the top FARC leaders in Ecuador's territory. As well as the many different legal actions started by Venezuelans in many different international courts against all the human and civil rights revoked by the government in my country, for example, the freedom of speech, free expression and many other violations against our own constitution and criminal acts that won't prescribe... ever!

What will Stone say when he shows only one side of the story, almost glorifying someone that supposedly is bringing happiness and honesty to his country, but women have been delivering their babies in the middle of the street, in the hospital entrance because there are no rooms or possible assistance in the public Venezuelan hospitals due to the lack of support from the government, or because there are no ambulances to transport people injured while he's giving 160 new ambulances to Bolivia, or building a new hospital to treat cancer in Uruguay, or giving 1 million dollars to a hospital in a small African nation treating AIDS while the people infected by AIDS in Venezuela are dying because the government doesn't provide assistance and medicine for these sick people.

Stone expresses in his documentary that this is one of the most honest governments in the continent, when this moron (Chavez) has got within the last decade almost 1 trillion dollars in oil production and the country has one of the highest inflation in the world, only compared with countries like Zimbabwe (ruled by another weirdo), due to the most amazing ineptitude and corruption ever seen in our country.

I'd like to see if he'd include in his piece of garbage... sorry, production, the real problems that Venezuelans have to face in a daily basis, no matter your political point of view or social status. Real problems like the outrageous level of criminality, turning Caracas into one of the most dangerous cities in the world. Since Chavez got to the power in 1998, we've had more than 120.000 violent deaths in our streets, and the government doesn't care about solving this problem (it's not important in his Agenda), Stone doesn't show in his documentary the persecution to everyone that thinks different or protests against the regimen. Dozens of journalists, politicians, professionals and innocent people are in prison or had to leave the country, I'm sure Stone didn't know about it. Maybe Mr. Stone hasn't noticed that Chavez is the "self called" leader against the northamerican imperialism, but Venezuela... sorry, the regimen is selling oil to the US like never, ever before. Maybe Stone hasn't read the news about all TV stations and the dozens of Radio stations that this regimen has closed because they express all the reality and daily problems that everyone has to face in our streets.

Stone showed such a grotesc level of ignorance, saying that in Venezuela, 80% of the media is opposed to the goverment, and because of that... he says we have one of the greatest levels of free expression. He doesn't know that 85% of the media in Venezuela (TV stations, Radio stations, Newspapers, Social Radio stations, Web Portals, etc) belongs to the government. Just in Caracas, 9 out of 12 TV stations belong to the government (not counting Radio Stations and newspapers).

Definitely, Stone lost his mind and political north. After his crappy documentary about Fidel Castro, this could be considered his worst and lowest work, ever. This piece of garbage could be anything but a balanced documentary... could be considered as the lowest cheap propaganda ever made by an important Hollywood director and producer paying some favors? to one of the biggest morons ever born in my beautiful country.

He's become one of those looser idealistic socialists that believes "the enemy of my enemy is my friend"... and because this moron (Chavez) sells the speech of the anti-capitalism and war against Bush and the american power, he believes all the crap Chavez (in a very smart way) is able to sell him.

Shame on you Stone.


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