Synopsis: Carla and Martin are a young upper-class couple fresh off of a night of dancing and partying when they cross paths with Trece, Budu and Niga, three men who make their living by kidnapping unwitting young adults to extort quick money from their wealthy parents. Carla and Martin become the next victims and are sent on a terrifying overnight journey through Caracas as they wait for Carla's father Sergio to hand over twenty thousand dollars--a small amount for a rich Caraqueno, but the equivalent of almost 5 years of the Venezuelan minimum wage.
Starring: Mía Maestro, Carlos Molina, Pedro Perez, Carlos Madera, Jean Paul Leroux
Directed by: Jonathan Jakubowicz, Alain Jakubowicz
U.S. Rating: R
Being Venezuelan, I must admit that I'm the worst supporter for our national movie productions. I've never gone to a movie theater to watch a Venezuelan movie. Said that, I don't mean that I won't watch these movies when they're out on DVD. This is the case with Secuestro Express. Maybe I don't like to watch Venezuelan movies, because most of them are focused on our own reality, our daily experiences (drugs, poverty, kidnapping, crime, corruption, violence, street gangs, etc). If we personally have faced and feared some of these things in our daily life experiences, or have seen them with our own eyes on the streets of Caracas, why the heck should I go and pay to see these things in a local theater?! Anyway, after watching this movie and read some reviews and comments made by some movie reviewers, it's sad to see that some of them think that this movie was just a cheap production trying to imitate Tarantino's work, going through a thriller trying to stimulate popcorn movie sentiments, but the reality is that this is what dozens of Venezuelans face monthly in any street of my country. It actually was such a great production for a first-time director, taking some scenes from real situations happened in April 2002, when the country was virtually unplugged from all its economical productivity, due to all its social and political mess. The reality is that the plot is based on a daily situation faced and feared by thousands of Venezuelans in one of the most dangerous cities in the world
What did I like from this movie?
1. That they were able to face and express the problem with this new mode of kidnapping known as "Secuestro Express" where the victims are not actually taken kidnapped to a distant and protected place, but just kept in a car driving around or kept in any house or place in the middle of the city until the ransom is paid.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That this is the only thing we're able to produce and export (talking about movies), having so much talent and plots to explore and explode in our country
I would rate this movie with a 1/5
Directed by: Jonathan Jakubowicz, Alain Jakubowicz
U.S. Rating: R
Being Venezuelan, I must admit that I'm the worst supporter for our national movie productions. I've never gone to a movie theater to watch a Venezuelan movie. Said that, I don't mean that I won't watch these movies when they're out on DVD. This is the case with Secuestro Express. Maybe I don't like to watch Venezuelan movies, because most of them are focused on our own reality, our daily experiences (drugs, poverty, kidnapping, crime, corruption, violence, street gangs, etc). If we personally have faced and feared some of these things in our daily life experiences, or have seen them with our own eyes on the streets of Caracas, why the heck should I go and pay to see these things in a local theater?! Anyway, after watching this movie and read some reviews and comments made by some movie reviewers, it's sad to see that some of them think that this movie was just a cheap production trying to imitate Tarantino's work, going through a thriller trying to stimulate popcorn movie sentiments, but the reality is that this is what dozens of Venezuelans face monthly in any street of my country. It actually was such a great production for a first-time director, taking some scenes from real situations happened in April 2002, when the country was virtually unplugged from all its economical productivity, due to all its social and political mess. The reality is that the plot is based on a daily situation faced and feared by thousands of Venezuelans in one of the most dangerous cities in the world
What did I like from this movie?
1. That they were able to face and express the problem with this new mode of kidnapping known as "Secuestro Express" where the victims are not actually taken kidnapped to a distant and protected place, but just kept in a car driving around or kept in any house or place in the middle of the city until the ransom is paid.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. That this is the only thing we're able to produce and export (talking about movies), having so much talent and plots to explore and explode in our country
I would rate this movie with a 1/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!