Synopsis: Dewey Finn is a hell-raising guitarist with delusions of grandeur. Kicked out of his band and desperate for work, Dewey impersonates a substitute teacher and turns a class of fifth grade high-achievers into high-voltage rock and rollers. The private school's uptight and skeptical head, Principal Mullins, watches on as the 'new sub' preps the kids for Battle of the Bands.
Starring: Jack Black, Joan Cusack, Mike White, Sarah Silverman, Joey Gaydos
Directed by: Richard Linklater
U.S. Rating: PG-13
One of my favorite movies. I believe it's one of the best (if not the best!) movies with Jack Black. Jack Black brings such a fresh and really funny role to this plot full of different situations, when Jack, being a frustrated musician and looser gets a temp job impersonating a substitute teacher (his roommate!). He inmediately turns his class in a complete rock band, including really hilarious situations, until the very last moment when they have they're great presentation in a rock band contest. I've watched this movie like 10 times so far and never get tired of it!
What did I like from this movie?
1. At the beginning, when he's playing with his band and jumps from the platform to the public and they don't catch him
2. When he's teaching his first lessons during his first day at work, changing all the rules and doing absolutely nothing, just waiting for the time to go home, while the kids are expecting him to teach them and give them some homework. Then, the second day he finds out the music talent of every kid in his class... the rest is history.
3. The whole situation when he's being busted and has to leave the job as substitute teacher, including with the next morning, when they play at the rock band contest.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I know Jack Black loves to sing, but I believe that the success of this movie motivated him to work on his next movie: Tenacious D, which I expected to be as good as this one, but honestly, it sucked. I believed because of the cast working with him.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
Directed by: Richard Linklater
U.S. Rating: PG-13
One of my favorite movies. I believe it's one of the best (if not the best!) movies with Jack Black. Jack Black brings such a fresh and really funny role to this plot full of different situations, when Jack, being a frustrated musician and looser gets a temp job impersonating a substitute teacher (his roommate!). He inmediately turns his class in a complete rock band, including really hilarious situations, until the very last moment when they have they're great presentation in a rock band contest. I've watched this movie like 10 times so far and never get tired of it!
What did I like from this movie?
1. At the beginning, when he's playing with his band and jumps from the platform to the public and they don't catch him
2. When he's teaching his first lessons during his first day at work, changing all the rules and doing absolutely nothing, just waiting for the time to go home, while the kids are expecting him to teach them and give them some homework. Then, the second day he finds out the music talent of every kid in his class... the rest is history.
3. The whole situation when he's being busted and has to leave the job as substitute teacher, including with the next morning, when they play at the rock band contest.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. I know Jack Black loves to sing, but I believe that the success of this movie motivated him to work on his next movie: Tenacious D, which I expected to be as good as this one, but honestly, it sucked. I believed because of the cast working with him.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
Enjoy it!... Watch it!