Synopsis: Peter Bowman, an American engineer in a Latin American country, is kidnapped for a $3 million dollar ransom. Abandoned by her husband's employer and insurance company, his wife Alice refuses to give up his life. She takes on the task of bringing him home but quickly realizes she can't do that without help. An expert in 'K&R' (Kidnap & Ransom), Terry Thorne is Alice's best and only hope for saving Peter. He takes on the job, but soon finds it to be trickier than anyone thought. Throughout the lengthy negotiations, Alice and Terry develop a mutual respect which evolves into a mutual attraction as they barter for Peter's life with the kidnappers. With the help of a fellow negotiator, Dino, and a trio of highly trained mercenaries, Terry takes on a do-or-die rescue operation that could as easily result in disaster as in triumph.
Starring: Meg Ryan, Russell Crowe, David Morse, Pamela Reed, David CarusoDirected by: Taylor Hackford, Gary Davis
U.S. Rating: R
A great plot with a great cast. This could be considered one of those very few great movies with a cast full of great actors and actresses. Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe make a great team on this movie with great supporting roles by David Caruso, David Morse and Pamela Reed. This movie brings to the big screen a tragic reality lived by hundreds of people in many different countries in South and Central America: Being kidnapped by revolutionary armed groups. I always enjoy these plot expressing situations that are pretty closed to real situations in life. In this case, the movie is able to go through all possible situations: Peter Bowman, an American engineer in a Latin American country, is kidnapped for a $3 million dollar ransom. They're abandoned by Peter's employer and insurance company, all the negotiation process and final rescue from the jungle. It also brings some drama when Meg Ryan and Russell Crowe get too attached to each other due to the situation, even though, they knew it couldn't have a happy end, since the priority and most important thing was to rescue Meg's husband.
What did I like from this movie?
1. As mentioned before, I believe it is a plot that offers a little bit of drama, love, treason, action, suspense. I believe that all the roles were clearly identified in this movie. It didn't have a main role or character, but all the roles involved were influential and relevant.
2. In a fictional plot expressing such a real situation lived and suffered by so many people in some Latin American countries.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The casual situation when the house keeper's daughter recognizes the kidnapper's voice. Even though, I know it can possible, since in most of the kidnapping cases, there's an insider that always provides information about the victim.
2. Some of the rebels were really lame as actors or actresses.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
What did I like from this movie?
1. As mentioned before, I believe it is a plot that offers a little bit of drama, love, treason, action, suspense. I believe that all the roles were clearly identified in this movie. It didn't have a main role or character, but all the roles involved were influential and relevant.
2. In a fictional plot expressing such a real situation lived and suffered by so many people in some Latin American countries.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The casual situation when the house keeper's daughter recognizes the kidnapper's voice. Even though, I know it can possible, since in most of the kidnapping cases, there's an insider that always provides information about the victim.
2. Some of the rebels were really lame as actors or actresses.
I would rate this movie with a 4/5
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