Synopsis: As Hannah Montana's popularity begins to take over her life, Miley Stewart, on the urging form her father, takes a trip to her hometown of Crowley Corners, Tennessee to get some perspective on what matters in life the most.
Starring: Miley Cyrus, Billy Ray Cyrus, Emily Osment, Jason Earles, Mitchel Tate Musso
Directed by: Peter Chelsom
U.S. Rating: G
Definitely a movie for kids, it was too much for me. Even though, my wife loved it. I haven't watched any episodes of this Disney's series, even though, my wife said Hanah Montana is huge in the US. Most of the reviews I've read about this movie say that this movie is little more than a formulaic Disney Channel episode stretched thin.
What did I like from this movie?
1. It was ok, not as boring as I would expect it to be
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Tyra Banks in a shoe fight at a kids movie... low! (for her).
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: Peter Chelsom
U.S. Rating: G
Definitely a movie for kids, it was too much for me. Even though, my wife loved it. I haven't watched any episodes of this Disney's series, even though, my wife said Hanah Montana is huge in the US. Most of the reviews I've read about this movie say that this movie is little more than a formulaic Disney Channel episode stretched thin.
What did I like from this movie?
1. It was ok, not as boring as I would expect it to be
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. Tyra Banks in a shoe fight at a kids movie... low! (for her).
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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