Synopsis: Sean Boswell is an outsider who attempts to define himself as a hot-headed, underdog street racer. Although racing provides a temporary escape from an unhappy home and the superficial world around him, it has also made Sean unpopular with the local authorities. To avoid jail time, Sean is sent to live with his gruff, estranged father, a career military-man stationed in Tokyo. Now officially a gaijin (outsider), Sean feels even more shut out in a land of foreign customs and codes of honor. But it doesn't take long for him to find some action when a fellow American buddy, Twinkie, introduces him to the underground world of drift racing. Sean's simple drag racing gets replaced by a rubber-burning, automotive art form with an exhilarating balance of speeding and gliding through a heart-stopping course of hairpin turns and switchbacks. On his first time out drifting, Sean unknowingly takes on D.K., the "Drift King," a local champ with ties to the Japanese crime machine Yakuza. Sean's loss comes at a high price tag when he's forced to work off the debt under the thumb of ex-pat, Han. Han soon welcomes Sean into this family of misfits and introduces him to the real principles of drifting. But when Sean falls for D.K.'s girlfriend, Neela, an explosive series of events is set into motion, climaxing with a high stakes face off.

Starring: Lucas Black, Shad 'Bow Wow' Gregory Moss, Nathalie Kelley, Sung Kang, Jason Tobin
Directed by: Justin Lin
U.S. Rating: PG-13

Another sequel with a plot full of hot cars, street and drift racing. I wasn't really motivated to go and watch this new sequel, due to the cast. For all the Fast and the Furious saga fans, we all know that these movies need Paul Walker and Vin Diesel in it to make it real. Even though, Vin Diesel appears in this movie during the last 30 seconds, it was not the same. I liked the plot, it was interesting, even though, I didn't feel any chemistry with the main role. No matter what, it was an entertaining movie, not as good as the two previous movies, but at least helped people to tie nods with the most recent movie recently released in the movie theaters.

What did I like from this movie?

1. All the stunts and drifting racing scenes

What did I dislike from this movie?

1. As I said, didn't like the guy playing the main role in this movie, I didn't feel the charisma needed, maybe because I compared him with Pal Walker's roles in the two previous movies

I would rate this movie with a 3/5

What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?

Enjoy it!... Watch it!


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