Synopsis: The residents of Cradle Bay are living an idyllic small town existence. Or are they? After the suicide of his older brother, Steve Clark is uprooted by his parents and moved to the sunny enclave where the teenage success rate soars above the norm. No drunk driving accidents, no drug overdoses, no passionate suicides. In Cradle Bay, the teens are busy with wholesome activities like bake sales, community service and making the grade. But there's something unnatural about all that perfection. Resisting the lure of the "Blue Ribbons"--the town's picture perfect teens--Steve connects with outcasts Gavin and Rachel, who are equally suspicious of their peers' disturbing behavior. Dr. Caldicott, the school psychiatrist, has convinced the parents of Cradle Bay that a "Stepford-like" surgical procedure is the answer to their teenagers' nasty habits and rebellious behavior. And Steve's parents are just a meeting away from agreement.
Starring: Bruce Greenwood, Katie Holmes, William Sadler, Nick Stahl, Steve Railsback
Directed by: David Nutter
U.S. Rating: R
I watched today this movie, Disturbing Behavior. It was actually disturbing, not because of its plot, but because of how cheap, boring and bad it was! Having such a good young cast, I expected it could be a good movie, but honestly, I didn't like it at all. I even believe it was just a cheap copy of pretty similar movie I watched many years ago (I don't really remember the name of it at this moment) where a new girl moves to this tiny quiet & peaceful town and all the young people she meets at school are being drugged and mentally controlled by the school director and other parents. She finds out and can't get help from anyone else in this town, since everyone knows about it and are part of it in some way. In fact, I believe that old movie was more interesting than this one. Maybe because I was continuously comparing this one with that old one.
Katie Holmes, after some famous movies and TV series, hasn't convinced me yet as an actress. I believe her major recognition is being married to Tom Cruise. On this movie, she plays the role of a renegade girl who believes of their peers' disturbing behavior. Nick Stahl (Terminator 3) plays also as a renegade boy who believes of their peers' disturbing behavior, becomes one of them and survives at the end, when everyone thinks that the mind controlling ended at the moment when the psychiatrist and all the boys die at the end. James Marsden (Superman, X-Men) is the new boy in town who finds himself in the middle of the dilema of trying to make friends and solve this mistery, keeping Rachel and himself saved and away from the group of boys and girls controlled by r. Caldicott, the school psychiatrist.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I was excited about the cast on this movie. I never heard of the movie until today so, when I saw the cast at the begining of the movie, I totally believed that it could be a good movie.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot was extremely predictable, especially since there are other similar plots from older and newer movies.
2. Even though it was a movie with recognized actors and actresses, the movie was extremely boring and not scaring at all (being a "horror" movie).
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
Directed by: David Nutter
U.S. Rating: R
I watched today this movie, Disturbing Behavior. It was actually disturbing, not because of its plot, but because of how cheap, boring and bad it was! Having such a good young cast, I expected it could be a good movie, but honestly, I didn't like it at all. I even believe it was just a cheap copy of pretty similar movie I watched many years ago (I don't really remember the name of it at this moment) where a new girl moves to this tiny quiet & peaceful town and all the young people she meets at school are being drugged and mentally controlled by the school director and other parents. She finds out and can't get help from anyone else in this town, since everyone knows about it and are part of it in some way. In fact, I believe that old movie was more interesting than this one. Maybe because I was continuously comparing this one with that old one.
Katie Holmes, after some famous movies and TV series, hasn't convinced me yet as an actress. I believe her major recognition is being married to Tom Cruise. On this movie, she plays the role of a renegade girl who believes of their peers' disturbing behavior. Nick Stahl (Terminator 3) plays also as a renegade boy who believes of their peers' disturbing behavior, becomes one of them and survives at the end, when everyone thinks that the mind controlling ended at the moment when the psychiatrist and all the boys die at the end. James Marsden (Superman, X-Men) is the new boy in town who finds himself in the middle of the dilema of trying to make friends and solve this mistery, keeping Rachel and himself saved and away from the group of boys and girls controlled by r. Caldicott, the school psychiatrist.
What did I like from this movie?
1. I was excited about the cast on this movie. I never heard of the movie until today so, when I saw the cast at the begining of the movie, I totally believed that it could be a good movie.
What did I dislike from this movie?
1. The plot was extremely predictable, especially since there are other similar plots from older and newer movies.
2. Even though it was a movie with recognized actors and actresses, the movie was extremely boring and not scaring at all (being a "horror" movie).
I would rate this movie with a 2/5
What did you like or dislike from this movie? What would you rate this movie?
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