Synopsis: Bucky is a small town grocery bagger, going nowhere in life -- until he discovers that his conservative parents were once adult film stars! Armed with the belief that he has found his destiny, Bucky packs up and heads out to LA, hoping to follow in his parents' footsteps.
Starring: Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci, Don Johnson, Stephen Dorff, Ido Mosseri, Kevin Nealon
Directed by: Tom Brady
U.S. Rating: R

There are bad films, and there's Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star. I must be honest, even though I knew it would be a lousy film, I thought it would be (at least) entertaining in some way. Well, I was right when I thought it would be a lousy film, but I didn't expect it to be that bad.

I kinda like Nick Swardson. This guy has always tried to make his best to make you laugh on his previous roles and films. I believe he's had some decent comedy roles in the past, for example, in Just Go With It and Don't Mess With The Zohan. Christina Ricci has also been a pretty decent actress, and I believe I don't need to mention Don Johnson's reputation. But, what really happened here? Honestly! It looks like everyone was just looking desperately an opportunity for being on a film, no matter how bad and disastrous it could be. I would have expected something better from Don Johnson and Christina Ricci, even though, I must recognize that Christina Ricci tried her best, maybe too hard for this film.

The biggest flaw on this film was actually, its plot. I think whoever wrote this script, should be banned from Hollywood. It had no sense, creativity, humor or connection with the audience.

I just hope that these kind of experiences and horrible film disasters teach these actors to choose a better script and opportunity and don't embarrace themselves.

In case you're wondering what's the film about, the story centers on a small-town child-like man, Bucky Larson, who stumbles upon a family secret: His quiet and reserved parents were famous porn stars in the 1970s. This motivates him to leave northern Iowa for Hollywood, hoping to follow in their footsteps and fulfill his destiny as the biggest adult-film star in the world. Unfortunately he lacks two things, any idea of how to become a porn star like his parents, and a decent sized penis. However his incredibly small penis ends up providing him with fame due to it making women appreciate the size of their own partner's penis more. Along the way he meets many odd characters, a local waitress who is very kindhearted, an overly selfish roommate, a failing porn director, and his own polar opposite and later antagonist, a porn star who goes by the nickname "Dick Shadow" due to his massive penis size.

I would rate this movie with a 0.5/5

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